post is about my photography...
I'm not sure if i've mentioned it before, but I do LOVE photography.
I'm trying to become a photographer, but as a teenager
money isnt all that abundant, if ya know what I mean!
So combining my want to become a photographer, and my craft skillz (with a z),
i've been making some of backdrops, props, etc.
Thats what im going to be posting soon!
I'm kinda focused on making smaller backdrops because i'm thinking baby photography
I'm kinda focused on making smaller backdrops because i'm thinking baby photography
will be something i'll be doing first since my niece or nephew will most likely,
be my first client! :)
So stay tuned over the next couple of days!
I'm thinking, photography Friday?
If there is any budding photographers out there like me that have any suggestions,
of things for me to DIY, let me know! :)
-Sami <3